Written by Деканат |
Sunday, 06 October 2013 14:53 |
Lectures in groups IS-zp31, IS-zp32, SA-zp31, IT-zp31 (3-rd course) and IS-21, SA-21, IT-21 (4-th course) start on 7.10.2013.
Lectures in groups IS-zp31m, SA-zp31m (5-th course) start on 14.10.2013.
Schedule for groups IS-zp31, IS-zp32, SA-zp31, IS-21, SA-21, IS-zp31m, SA-zp31m can be downloaded here.
Schedule for group IT-zp31 can be downloaded here.
Schedule for group IT-21 can be downloaded here.
Written by Деканат |
Tuesday, 01 October 2013 11:49 |
All enrollees of the Section are invited for admission interview on October 4, 2013. Meeting will held at 16:00 near the audience 103 of NTUU "KPI" Corpus 35.